Planet Eclipse CS3
After years of dominance and countless first places, the CS platform is entering the next round.
The CS3 is the most advanced spool valve marker Planet Eclipse has ever developed. The new OP Core bolt system is unparalleled. In combination with the 50% (!) enlarged valve chamber, this finest piece of engineering art works in a working pressure range of only 95-105 Psi! In addition to the reduced shot noise and improved efficiency, a performance increase of 20% compared to the CS2 Pro is achieved. The bolt system is completed by the new Cure bolt, which offers a higher air flow and can shoot even more brittle paint. The new Modular Marker Electronics Package (MME), which was presented for the first time with the LV2, has found its way into the CS platform. In combination with the new tool-free grip shells, which extend beyond the snatch grip, the MME offers everything a gamer's heart desires. Thanks to the modular design, the MME can be expanded with new modules in just a few moments. The new, three-piece Shaft S63 Pro barrel system is also included. Probably the best sleeve barrel system in the world offers specially developed 8.5" long PWR sleeves, a barrel back with Autococker Quick thread and a new Pro Tip with offset double helix bore. The Planet Eclipse CS3 offers the competitive paintball player Player everything he needs and much more. The CS3 was designed to dominate the playing fields of this world, no matter the level and in all weather conditions.
Paintball markers may be bought and used in Germany at the age of 18, we ship this product with a DHL age verification.
Scope of delivery:
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