Home Defense Set HDR50 Revolver/Pistol
The HDR50 revolver from Umarex not only looks cool, but is also available for a small price, which means that it is increasingly becoming the focus for paintball scenarios with story and larp content.
The revolver is operated with 12g Co2 capsules and a 6 shot drum (magazine). You can shoot .50 caliber paintballs as well as .50 caliber first strikes. A drum is included as standard. Since you often need more than one magazine in the game, we've added two to the set.
The Home Defense Set HDR50 also includes 25 12g Co2 capsules and the robust powder balls. These small plastic balls are filled with powder and spread a small cloud of dust at the point of impact. The pistol has a Picatinny rail to which a small sight, for example, can easily be attached.
The revolver has a push pin function. This allows a Co2 capsule to be inserted without piercing it, which means that the HDR50 revolver with a fresh capsule can be stored indefinitely. In an emergency situation, the capsule is pierced by hitting the push pin at the lower end of the handle and the weapon is immediately ready for use.
The HDR50 revolver should be maintained at regular intervals with the Walther maintenance capsules, which are already included in the set. After about 30 magazines, a maintenance capsule should be used instead of a normal Co2 capsule. Make sure there are no bullets in the magazine and shoot the maintenance capsule completely empty. The oil is distributed evenly in the revolver.
The Home Defense Set HDR50 contains everything you need to get started right away. But you can pimp it up with the holster specifically for the HDR50 revolver, for example.
In Germany, this article is only intended for animal protection.
Paintball markers may be bought and used in Germany at the age of 18, we ship this product with a DHL age verification.
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Walther/Umarex HDR50 Revolver Paintball Marker/Home Defense Review (German/German)
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