Agilite Retractor Side Plate Carriers
The Agilite Retractor Ballistic Sideplate Carriers allow you to add additional ballistic protection to your equipment to provide additional protection to your vital organs during operations in hazardous environments. They connect to ANY MOLLE cummerbund or other MOLLE platform, not just the Agilite plate carriers, and are lightweight, durable, and intelligently engineered to be the only side plate carriers you'll ever need.
The unique Israeli design allows a standard 6"x6" Special Forces plate to fit perfectly, but can also be instantly expanded to fit a 6"x8" infantry plate if your mission set requires additional cover or that's all you have in the field.
Designed, battle-tested and manufactured in Israel, they fit SAPI. ESAPI or any other standard ballistic sideplate up to 1".
thickRetractor sideplate carriers can also be used to hold non-ballistic training plates to prepare you for the front line and make your crossfit or other training session more serious and challenging.
Note: Retractor Side Plate Carriers are not ballistic and are not subject to export restrictions - they are a ballistic side plate carrying platform only.
Scope of delivery:
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