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Agilite K19 Plate Carrier 3.0
The K19 is the ultimate modern plate carrier.Developed, tested and battle-hardened in Israel and behind enemy lines with some of the IDF's finest units.The K19 has numerous subtle but revolutionary features that no other plate carrier has.
The K19 features our Egress™ quick release system and proprietary Fast-Adjust™ cummerbund for real-time adjustment and fine-tuning by the wearer.
The K19 features a one-size-fits-all cummerbund and multiple-size plate pouch, eliminating the need to make complicated and risky sizing decisions when purchasing.You know it will always fit you or your teammates, no matter what your gear or mission.This is also important for sourcing professionals who can rest assured that it will fit all their boys (or gals) well.
The quick-adjust cummerbund also has a built-in stretch element that allows the vest to be pulled nice and snug so it doesn't wobble when you run, but also provides that inch or two of stretch you need when you bend your knees , so that the wearer does not pinch his upper body.
This new layer gives you the best of all worlds.It allows you to either instantly attach Velcro placards or use the mil-spec molle underneath to attach regular molle pouches.
Unlike other carriers, the quick release buckles in the shoulder area are set far back so they don't interfere with the rifle stock yet are easily accessible.
Both the left and right quick-release buckles are removable, so you can replace them with minimalist sliding buckles (included) for an even lower profile.
In terms of carrying comfort, the K19 shares many of the comfort features of the battle-tested Agilite K5, hailed as the most comfortable plate carrier on the market.
These comfort features include generous fusion foam shoulder padding, which ensures extreme comfort even during prolonged use.Anyone who has ever served in the military knows that even the shortest missions can turn into multi-day operations.Comfort isn't a luxury, it's a necessity to remain alert and undistracted in hostile environments where complacency can cost one's life.
One of the secrets to the K19's comfort is that the shoulder straps form a proprietary "V" shape to the center of mass, distributing weight over maximum area and relieving pressure points.
The rear of the K19 plate pouches feature a triple layer of low-profile fusion foam to remain comfortable even when using the K19 with hard steel or ceramic armor plates.Steel or ceramic plates often have hard corners and edges that can dig into the torso when using regular plate carriers, but the K19 has inherent padding to prevent this.
The K19 is also compatible with the Agilite K-Series, meaning the AMAP III Assault Pack can be attached directly to it in seconds.No threading MOLLE, no hassle.
On the back, the cummerbund has numerous attachment points for the Mil-Spec G-hooks, which provide a perfect fit for everyone from the tallest to the smallest person without making the plate carrier unnecessarily large or small.
Scope of delivery: