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Planet Eclipse CF20 magazine 20 rounds
The Eclipse CF (Continuous Feed) Paintball Magazine is the first commercially available, fully injection molded 20-round continuous feed magazine for the EMF100 (formerly EMG100) and Dye DAM platforms. Its revolutionary design allows for fast and accurate loading of both standard 68cal paintballs and First Strike Rounds (FSR)/shaped bullets. The unique tool-free detachable sidewall means FSRs and paintballs can be loaded into the magazine quickly and accurately, ensuring FSR's are stacked correctly, greatly reducing the chance of FSR's slipping and jamming. The pawl and ratchet winding mechanism means magazines can be removed from the marker even when only partially used, with minimal loss. And the smoke-colored, transparent side panel with integrated shot capacity indicator allows you to keep a close eye on how many rounds are left in your magazine. When you reach the end of the magazine, the Eclipse-shaped follower blocks the breech to prevent the bolt from going through, preventing the EMF100 from dry-firing and giving away your position or running out of ammo. Eclipse CF20 magazines can also be coupled together for even greater firing capacity and are fully compatible with the Dye DAM and DAM couplings.
Special features:
Glass Reinforced Nylon
Custom ultra-high strength transparent sidewall
Scope of delivery: